A studio situation with a camera filming a shattering coconut in front of a green screen.


Block W is your VISUAL CONTENT KITCHEN in Hamburg's Speicherstadt. With over 20 years of experience, our team, led by Patrice Lange, produces photo and film shoots focusing on products, food and beverages for TV, OOH, online and social media.


The Block W Studio is located in the historic Speicherstadt warehouse at Alter Wandrahm 7. A 300 square metre tabletop shooting space with everything a food and liquid lover needs. A 40 square metre kitchen, fully equipped for preparation. Whether motion control robot, model mover, lighting equipment, camera technology or stop-motion systems. All on site and available immediately. In our glass box in the middle of the studio area, you and your clients will have the peace and quiet you need to co-ordinate and keep an eye on everything at all times.

Showing a portrait of Patrice Lange and Florian Arlart the studio initiators


Block W was founded by Patrice Lange, visual director, dop and tabletop nerd since 2002, and Florian Arlart, founder and owner of Harvest, known for high-end post-production in motion and stills since 2012. We both love producing engaging, fun and high quality visual content for a wide range of clients such as McDonalds, Müller, Hochland, Guinness, Montblanc, WMF and many more. And we would love to work with you in the near future.

Showing the block w sign with white letters on green ground on a red brick wall of the historic building the studio is located in.


BlockW Studio GmbH
Alter Wandrahm 8-9
20457 Hamburg

Tel. +49 40 411 880 511